Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am grateful for...

~ I am grateful for my amazing kids and their tolerance for their Mother wanting to get just one shot of us all together for Christmas cards. I have the most gorgeous kids and it is time to show them off!

~ I am grateful that Carly thought to take pictures of Sophie for me while she was in Washington. I find myself missing her everyday and I could not do it without the knowledge that she is so happy running where she wants to run at Grandma's. Which brings me to--I am grateful for Grandma! For her willingness to care for Sophie so well and so unselfishly!

~ I am grateful for a brother and sister-in-law who produced the world's most darling Laynie Girl EVER! and who are willing to share her with us with the many photographs they take. Now all I need is some real face time with my niece and well laid plan to steal her away for good!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Braces Off!

This is Lexis happy!
Happy that she has a fresh, new smile!
And annoyed that her mother insisted on capturing the entire afternoon on film!
Today Lexis got her braces off!
She has been counting down for some time now--realistically I think she would say since the first week she had them on. It has been a long process and her patience has been aptly tested. I say she passed with flying colors!
Getting the braces off was a surprisingly (at least from my point of view) easy process. I videotaped the whole thing--which she didn't love-- and will post that soon along with this post. For some reason Lexis concluded that her lying back in the dentist's chair, mouth wide, dentist hovering over with cold, metal object in hand wouldn't make the most entertaining home movie but I disagreed and recorded on.
Her smile is wonderfully beautiful!
While she will have to wear retainers for some time still her mouth is metal free.
A big day!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am grateful for...

~ I am grateful for Carly! She loves me so wholly, unconditionally and overwhelmingly! While it would cost more money, add additional time away from her home and headache to her Thanksgiving vacation, she didn't give it a second thought as to whether she would stop in Utah to visit us. I LOVE my time with her so much! She helps me with the kids while giving me a break. Takes me out on the town, where we have such a great time together. Cooks delicious food for us to eat together, let's me sleep when I need to and sits with me for as long as we choose talking and laughing and talking so more! I am lucky to have her in my life!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Carly came to town! YAY! She graciously made Utah the first stop on her Thanksgiving holiday trip. Having time for just her and I is always so good for me and this time was no exception. She also helped me with Michael Ethan and we even had a "Thanksgiving dinner" with the kids before they took off to Boise and Carly left for the Tri-Cities.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am grateful for...

~ I am grateful for Lexis' patience in this past few years as she has had to have her braces on and on and on. She is now counting down in days until they come off.

~ I am grateful for the adoration that Michael has for me as his Mom. While he does not sleep often, when he does he is a true snuggler. He loves to sleep lying on my shoulder or holding my hand or with one arm thrown atop me. He likes to know I am there and I am thankful for his love.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

He is Super Smart!

Someone's wiped out! After pre-school, Michael just hangs out, waiting to be picked up and snuggled by Mama---his only want in life. If I would sit next to him all day and all night he would be content. His No No's are NO longer working. He has figured that if he pushes himself hard enough he can still get to his head but will make red marks on his arms from the force. Two for the price of one. At school they have been using his helmet more often. But after the "Emergency Behavioral Meeting" on Friday it looks as if we may have more options to put forward. A plan was made up by myself and his teachers/therapists alike outlining a better plan for his time at school. Also, a USDB person is planning to certify myself and his teachers/therapists in what is called the Mand program. This is a behavior program which will also allow us to learn the most effective way of restraining Michael when he is trying to hurt himself and others. He has come home from school quite beat up in the past week which has had me very concerned. He is also hurting me much more severely than before. His PT, Jay, was saying that it is not surprising that Michael is stronger than me at this point since he is basically 'working out' every muscle in his body non stop through out a day. His concern was for the future as well. Meaning as Michael grows older and bigger, what then? I am looking forward to the opportunity of learning a new program and hopefully that this will decrease his aggressive behaviour dramatically. The consensus at the meeting? Michael is smart, very smart. Now that we can work with.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's my birthday.. not super excited to be one year older. Lexis had me convinced I was turning "35!" and it was surprising how upsetting I found that to be. Today was a simple day and I was able to spend it with the kids. Lexis decorated my car with hundreds of post-it notes that had all kinds of sweet birthday messages written on them. Grace and Noah helped by filling the inside of the car with balloons plus a giant Diet Coke and equally large box of Hot Tamales on my seat. Two of my favorite things! I made Jambalaya cause I love it even though the kids don't like it as much. They were so very loving and kind all day! I am a very luck 34 year old!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I am grateful for...

~I am grateful for my undeniably beautiful sister of which not only did I straight out steal this "Gratitude Sunday" idea directly from but of whom celebrated her 32nd birthday this past week. While she sits on the other side of the world, enjoying her beautiful family, receiving dual massages and drinking virgin Mai Tai's by her pool ;) , we called to sing her "Happy Birthday" a day late (why is it so hard for me to figure out the time difference?) and tell her we wish she could be here with us that we might all celebrate her birthday together in Utah's early November snow storm. :p

For many years on these four short days that separate our birthdays, Becky would 'get up in my face' with her taunts of "I'M ONLY 1 YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOU!" She did it loudly and with great success as it use to drive me crazy. Tables have turned my darling sister and know I would consider myself greatly remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to say, "I'M ONLY 1 YEAR OLDER THAN YOU!!!" Yes!!! (Napoleon Dynamite-Esq intonation should follow!)

Happy Birthday, sister! And Thank you for once again leading the way with another fantastic idea, Grateful Sabbath.
I am grateful for Becky!

~ I am grateful for my four AMAZING children! While I realize that it will be difficult to not list this as one of my "Grateful Sunday" points every week, I must claim it as such for at least my first posting!
I am grateful for Lexis!
I am grateful for Noah!
I am grateful for Grace!
I am grateful for Michael!
I am one lucky Mom!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dentist Appointment

Michael went to the dentist today. He had 4 cavities! A lot better than I was thinking after 4 years of drinking a bottle non-stop. The Dr was really great. Very consciousness of his needs. Michael sat straddling my lap and then the Dr laid Michael's head back onto his own lap to check out his teeth. He fought with the 'things' in his mouth but overall did well. His Dr took only minutes to check it out. We have scheduled for an appointment at the Surgical Center in Salt Lake next week to have his teeth taken care of. I am quite nervous about Michael going under. I wonder if they will give him the "regular dose" for a child his size and he'll end up waking up in fits a few minutes in. He has such an amazingly strong tolerance to medication. This will have to be something I make clear when we go in. Having his teeth fixed can only help in his behaviors. Taking care of that pain that must be bothering him with cavities. I'm crossing fingers.

Friday, November 7, 2008

the 18 Faces of Lexis

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Becky!

Happy Birthday to my undeniably beautiful, disgustingly photogenic, fantastically charismatic Sister! A wonderful friend, loving mother and outstanding individual--- period!
WE love you!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. President

Living in Utah you can imagine the controversy in my personal choice with supporting Barack Obama. I have had some interesting conversations; some with friends, neighbors, Mom, Becky, Carly, verl even my kids. This year's elections have inspired me in many ways and one of those is definitely the conversation it is promoting in many.
I say "fantastic! Let's talk about it!"
Much better to have spirited discussions regarding the leader of our great nation than have the lackadaisical attitudes of days gone by.
You should hear my children, for Heaven's Sakes! They each have strong opinions and I think it is great! We don't always agree and there have been a few 'discussions' that have required us to go to the computer, searching for ideas on the Internet, hoping to educate ourselves a little more. In some cases, I have learned things I hadn't known about and in others I have hoped to open their eyes on other ways of looking at the issues.
Expectantly, the strong Republican environment they live in has influenced their thought processes. An outrageous example of this division was Noah' s comment to me today, a day after Obama has become our President Elect.
"Mom, Dad says this is a sign of the 2nd coming and now we are all going to die!"
Oh PLEASE tell me that sitting down with my sweet 10 year old to talk with him about his comment made some impact on such outlandish cries!
There is a beauty self-evident in a democracy--that not everyone will agree on the same thing. That each and every individual citizen of the United States of America has the right to Choose. We can not be forced to conform to one mind, one idea, one way of living. It is a freedom that can be taken advantage of and a right each human being deserves. Not everyone in this country voted for Barack Obama. That is a fact. Truth be told, I had questions and disagreements of my own in some of his platforms and in the same light, I respect John McCain and his service to our country. And yet, does the result now mean that we become calloused and hateful? Do we teach our young children that there is no need to respect our leaders? Or do we tell them we will stand together as Americans, we will continue to let our voices be heard all the while teaching them the importance of a democracy?
I am very proud of my country. On this day, in particular, I am delighted that an individual who I believe is a great PERSON has been elected to be our President. I am inspired by the change this country is making for the better including those issues that include the rights for every citizen regardless. I am encouraged by my children's interest in being involved and last night as we sat in front of the television watching the electoral votes come in we discussed this process, we cheered for our 'team' and the darling children that they are did all of this while building Lego forms of the two candidates. Never mind, McCain was made to stand three times as tall as Obama-- it was my little group of Americans taking part in a historical event and that is what matters most.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Holy Cutey Pie, BatMan!

Now if only I could add the fabulous Batman theme song here... Dudu dudu dudu dudu dudu dudu dudu dudu BATMAN! You get the idea..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I must admit that on some of these days when sleep is a distant memory, I daydream myself into beautiful places, quoting poetry and enjoying the sounds of the earth's silence.

"I must learn to love the fool in me--the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. It alone protects me against that utterly self-controlled, masterful tyrant whom I also harbor and who would rob me of human aliveness, humility, and dignity but for my fool." -- Theodore I. Rubin, MD