~I am grateful for my undeniably beautiful sister of which not only did I straight out steal this "Gratitude Sunday" idea directly from but of whom celebrated her 32
nd birthday this past week. While she sits on the other side of the world, enjoying her beautiful family, receiving dual massages and drinking virgin Mai
Tai's by her pool ;) , we called to sing her "Happy Birthday" a day late (why is it so hard for me to figure out the time difference?) and tell her we wish she could be here with us that we might all celebrate her birthday together in Utah's early November snow storm. :p
For many years on these four short days that
separate our birthdays, Becky would 'get up in my face' with her taunts of "I'M ONLY 1 YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOU!" She did it loudly and with great success as it use to drive me crazy. Tables have turned my darling sister and know I would consider myself greatly remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to say, "I'M ONLY 1 YEAR OLDER THAN YOU!!!" Yes!!! (
Napoleon Dynamite-
Esq intonation should follow!)
Happy Birthday, sister! And Thank you for once again leading the way with another fantastic idea, Grateful Sabbath.
I am grateful for Becky!

~ I am grateful for my four AMAZING children! While I realize that it will be difficult to not list this as one of my "Grateful Sunday" points every week, I must claim it as such for at least my first posting!
I am grateful for Lexis!
I am grateful for Noah!
I am grateful for Grace!
I am grateful for Michael!
I am one lucky Mom!!!!