Monday, June 23, 2008

A day's account

Slow day. Michael didn't go to sleep last night until after 1am which was so very odd because he had taken all of his meds and was happy just not tired. It was also odd because the night before he fell asleep on Lexis' lap by 8pm without taking his meds and slept all night waking only for new bottles. Can never quite figure out the sleeping thing with this little one. I spent the day weeding in stiflingly hot weather, doing some internet 'stuff' for this Reunion in July and cleaning house. Noah and Grace came home at about 4pm after spending the day with their cousins (Ken & Emily are here) and mopped around wishing they were still with them. I understand. It is always something they enjoy--playing with their cousins. Noah PULLED out TWO of his loose teeth with floss and a great deal of determination tonight and after writing Tessa the Tooth Fairy a note in purple ink asking if he could keep his teeth to show his cousins but still get the money he went quickly to sleep. I noticed that our sweet next door neighbor pulled their own hose and sprinkler across to our yard to help water the strip of grass that has yellowed from our surf and slide. Maggie comes in the morning and the older kids are all hiking Timp first thing before it gets too hot. Me? I'm determined to clean up the hauntingly high pile of stuff on top of the freezer in the garage.

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