Monday, July 6, 2009

Complete copy and Paste of an Hilarious Blogger, "Token Asian Friend"

"I'm not good with idioms or colloquial phrases. I hear them around me, I know how to use them, but I struggle with putting all of the right words together.

Without a bit of exaggeration, this is what I have been known to say:

You hit the head on the nail!

All's fair that ends well.

All minds think alike.

That takes the hat!

I've got eagle ears.

That's the needle that broke the camel's back.

If I heard that every time I got a dollar...

He's got to dot his t's and cross his eyes.

Beggars can't be winners.

We need to nip it in the butt.

(and oh so many more...)


Sad, I know. But, don't judge me. Just give me an E for effort.

After all, the person who taught me English learned English as her third language.

And I think she did a dang good job."

from the HILARIOUS blog "Token Asian Friend"

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