Saturday, October 6, 2007

Pre-School Update

Today Michael had another good day at Pre-school. We met with the Pre-school's Director and discussed with her how things were going for us. I had to be firm regarding the need for a swing in the classroom, she said she would get that taken care of. She also indicated that they were interviewing a few people this afternoon for the other Preschool teaching position and so there would be additional help in the class- which they need.
I am spending each day with Michael while he is at school and have not been able to leave him there on his own. Partly because he won't tolerate being away from me and partly because they are quite literally afraid of him.
Michael sat on my lap today and sang along with me as I sang the tiny turtle in the bathtub song. He says, "Bubble, Bubble" very clearly and his teachers were very impressed.
I couldn't help but post another one of these pictures of Michael in his cute school clothes from the other day!

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