Monday, August 18, 2008

First day of School for Noah & Grace

Today was the first day of school for both Noah and Grace! Can't believe our summer is already over! Noah is in 5th grade!!!! And Grace in 3rd! Now that is something I can't believe! They both headed off to elementary school with their giant books in hand(Grace is reading "Twighlight" and Noah the 4th "Harry Potter.") They had cute outfits on courtesy of Grandma T--"Thank you, Grandma!" Both surprised me last night with brand new hair cuts. (Not sure why their dad is always cutting off all their hair but that's for another time...) I walked Grace to her classroom and she was quite nervous about going in. Back to school jitters as well as the fact that the other students were already seated and the announcements were being read. I then walked back by Noah's classroom, he is in a class with 8 boys and the rest girls!! He was busy listening to his new teacher go through class rules while picking his nose. :) --"Don't you tease him, Lexis!" Michael doesn't start pre-school until next Monday and Lexis starts 10th grade!!! tomorrow morning. They give the freshman an extra day of school to figure things out without the upper classman around, of which I think is an excellent idea. Lexis being an upper classman, for Heaven's sakes, didn't start today. Grace's comment to me after school today was, "It was just like any other first day back, Mom." Right. Makes sense. They are out at 1:30pm all week in order for SEPs. Eases us all back into it, I guess. Here's to another great school year!!

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