Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010
Michael only weighs 17.6 kg at 112 cm -- having lost weight since he was hospitalized.
I was able to go into work today. It is a terribly busy time as everyone is Checking in and out with school's end. My job has taken a most unfortunate back seat to Mike's. I have the luxury of setting my own hours but that does not compute to a lower need for me to be there.
He became furious with me after Drs suggested the possibility of a half-way house type scenario while Michael's feeding issues were controlled. A sort of step down from the hospital setting. I had mentioned to the dr's my strong concerns of taking Michael home right away and trying to do this on my own. I am unsure why this caused him to be so angry but my guess is it stemmed fromhis belief that such an admission or need for support constituted a lack of ability on our part as parents.
A representative of the South Davis facility came by and talked with him while I was at work. I read report and I am unsure as to whether she wasn't understanding Michael's story or if Mike wasn't clear. Interestingly enough Mike us now complelty on board with the South Davis option. Is this becaus the young lady was so cute? I am unsure. What a fical creature.

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